iPlayground 2024 企業票

iPlayground 是一個從 2018 年開始專為蘋果軟體開發者設計的研討會,主題涵蓋 iOS 和 macOS 開發、Swift 和 Objective-C 、以及 app 軟體開發與 UI/UX 設計的經驗分享。這個活動由一群資深工程師創辦,目的是彌補台灣在 iOS 開發領域的研討會不足,並為開發者們提供更深入且多樣化的議程。

由於前幾年,因為疫情的關係停辦,但受到廣大民眾的熱情呼喚,所以決定要把 iPlayground 復活。

今年的iPlayground的活動內容,將集結來自不同專業知識背景的開發者組成,他們將分享各自的專業知識和經驗,期待再次聚集 iOS 的愛好者。





A:因為企業票需要開立收據( 407 繳款書),我們會增加額外的稅務成本與人力成本,我們的財務是由一位15年資歷的工程師擔任,他曾經進入 Apple Infinite Loop 參與過 Apple 硬體產品的開發,是工作人員中最接近 Apple 的人,考慮到他的時薪,所以企業票貴了一點。




此外,我們開放買企業票的人,來領發票的時候,可以問工作人員一個問題,像是 Apple 的 Technique Support 一樣,只是我們的回答會更符合台灣的風土民情。





Q: 售出之門票如何讓會眾帶回報帳?

A: 活動當日將給予會眾「407 繳款書的記帳聯與扣抵聯」。見「門票收據範例.jpg


Q: 何謂「407 繳款書」?

A: 全名為「機關團體銷售貨物或勞務申報銷售額與營業稅繳款書」。因本協會為社團法人,不得開立統一發票,為提供會眾所屬單位報銷「研討會門票」之費用,本協會依法進行相關稅務申報,所提供之「407 繳款書記帳聯與扣抵聯」為合法有效的稅務憑證。


Q: 收據開立方式?

A: 配合內部行政流程與銀行作業時間,在活動開始前三個工作日報名並勾選索取收據者,可於當日報到時領取收據。超過時效或當日請求收據,原則上於活動結束後一週以郵件掛號寄送。


Q: 會眾收據可否單獨開立?

A: 原則上「407 繳款書」以統一編號為單位合併開立,如需拆開開立,請在活動開始前一週申請。如超過申請時間無法受理。



Q: 開立收據需提供哪些資訊?

A: 營利事業單位(含境外在台分公司)、大專院校、財團 / 社團法人只需要:「統一編號、公司名稱」但,公司福委會、外國公司在台辦事處等非常見之單位需額外提供:「登記地址」


Q: 我還有其他問題

A: 活動問題請到 support@iplayground.io。報帳問題請到 finance@iplayground.io


iPlayground is a conference specifically designed for Apple software developers, starting from 2018. The event covers topics including iOS and macOS development, Swift and Objective-C, as well as app development and UI/UX design experience sharing. This conference was founded by a group of experienced engineers to address the lack of in-depth iOS-focused events in Taiwan and to offer developers more diverse and comprehensive sessions.

Due to the pandemic, iPlayground was suspended for a few years, but in response to popular demand, we have decided to revive the event.

This year’s iPlayground will feature speakers from various professional backgrounds who will share their expertise and experiences, aiming to once again bring together iOS enthusiasts.


Important Notes

  • By registering, you agree to our Code of Conduct. If any violations are found during the event, the organizers reserve the right to remove the offender from the premises.
  • This event's ticket refund process will be handled by KKTIX. KKTIX will charge a 10% service fee for refunds, and no refunds will be issued within ten days before the event (excluding the event day). For more details, please refer to the KKTIX ticket refund policy.

Personal Data Collection Notice

By purchasing a ticket, attendees agree to the collection, processing, and use of their personal data by the iPlayground organizers within the scope of the specified purposes.

In compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act and to protect the rights and services necessary for both parties, the use of personal data provided by attendees is explained as follows:

  • The personal data provided during registration will be used for purposes including but not limited to assisting with registration, communication, sending information, and statistical analysis. The organizers have the responsibility to protect the personal data of attendees.
  • In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, attendees have the right to request to review, supplement or correct, cease the collection, usage, and deletion of their personal data, or request a copy of their personal data.
  • If an attendee refuses to provide the necessary information, resulting in the organizer's inability to complete the registration process, the organizer will not be responsible for any related loss of rights.


左鄰右舍 - 多功能活動空間 / 104, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Mingshui Rd, 569號B2


票種 販售時間 售價

~ 2024/11/03 18:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$1,200

~ 2024/10/23 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$200